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Database for Dota 2?

Database for Dota 2?
  • 类型:参考资料
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:5.000
  • 厂商:SKOROAPPS Inc.
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-03-04 04:55:11
  • 标签: 参考资料 游戏 角色扮演
应用介绍 应用截图 相关版本 推荐合集 相关文章

It’s an ultimate solution for any player to Dota 2? from Valve?. There’re everything you need for a good game. App completely works OFFLINE.\u2028


* Featured by Apple in \"New & Noteworthy\" category!

See what reviewers say about our app:

\"Best dota 2 app I have yet to find. Even better then any dota 2 app including paid apps\"

- by froster10101

\"Excellent. This app is very useful to me in playing dota 2. The thing that I most like is iOS 7 version.\"

- by Празада Зунйимо

\"Wow. It's the best, there's absolutely everything: a heroes, items, guides, builds, videos, etc. Great, thanks!\"

- by Liu Mai


* All Heroes

* 546 Guides with 959 Builds for Heroes

* All Items

* 43 Guides

\u2028* 606 Videos

* Ready for 6.84

* RSS News about the game

* Updates Info


* Optimised for iOS8

\u2028* iPhone & iPad supported

\u2028\u2028* Guides

Tons of useful and nice guides that will be useful for both novice and experienced players.

\u2028* Heroes

\u2028Complete information for each hero: image, stats, description, skills, guides, builds, videos, etc.

* Items

Full info for each item: stats, cost, recipe, etc.

We welcome your feedback, good or bad, as well as any suggestions you may have, email us on support@

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