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  • 类型:益智解谜
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 厂商:Vaibhav Electronics Pvt Ltd
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-03-10 20:14:49
  • 标签: 娱乐 字谜 游戏 益智解谜
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Tough to find a NEEDLE in a HAYSTACK? It would be - there aren't any common letters!

But try Acewordy - the game where words are jumbled in a grid. Find the word, form it, look for the next. When you form a word, then its letters disappear and those above fall down to take the removed letters place.

Careful though, the grid is always moving upwards, and you don't want the top letters to go through the roof!

Horizontal, vertical, diagonal - the chain of letters could be hiding in any direction as long as successive letters remain adjacent to the previous. Look sharp, be wise. Rather, be Wordly Wise.

**** Thanks to everyone who writes in with suggestions for improvements and new features ****

From Version 10 onwards, there is a new interactive Tutorial section to guide you through the rules and gameplay. We have also modified the Flips system - now when you swipe over any row or column in the grid, the letters of that row or column will be shuffled.

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